Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Pursuit

Whatever happened to the exhilaration of the pursuit?

Where the man would charge in, caring not whether he risk even his life in order to rescue and woo the woman he loves, and he would forever protect, cherish, and lavish her and she him.

The pursuit of Love. And the pursuit of that special one we will lavish with our love.

Is it our fear of rejection?
Is it our wavering belief that such a thing even can exist?
Is it our dwindling expectations for what love truly is?

But really whatever happened to the pursuit at all?

In today's world a relationship more often than not seems to consist of "hey you're cute, you're funny, let's hook up and see what happens." And so we bounce from person to person, hoping that maybe something will click or work out or whatever and we'll find happiness and the white picket fence blah blah blah.

And we call that a relationship? This is what is supposed to lead us to the Love that we so desperately desire?

I'm not going to even attempt to describe what a perfect pursuit looks like, one because I have no idea, and two because I've come to believe that really there is no such thing as one perfect pursuit, because Love works in different people in different ways.

But what I will emphatically stress is just how awesome the pursuit is. The implications it can have, the treasures that it holds.

Erwin McManus was in the Middle East discussing with some Muslims the history of Christianity as a religion, and the question was brought up of why it was necessary for God to become human.

"I once met a girl named Kim. I pursued her with my love and pursued her with my love until I felt my love had captured her heart. So I asked her to be my wife, and she did not say yes.
"I was unrelenting and asked her again, pursuing her with my love, and I pursued her with my love until she said yes.
"I did not send my brother, nor did I send a friend. for in issues of love, you must go yourself.
"This is the story of God: He pursues you with His love and pursues you with His love, and you have perhaps not said yes. And even if you reject His love, He pursues you ever still. It was not enough to send an angel or a prophet or any other, for in issues of love, you must go yourself. And so God has come.
"This is the story of Jesus, that God has walked among us and He pursues us with His love. He is very familiar with rejection but is undeterred. And He is here even now, still pursuing you with His love...
"In that moment the story of Jesus was not about who is right and who is wrong, what God's name is and who His prophet is, but what exactly God's motivation toward humanity is. If the message that God wants to get across to us is just about getting our beliefs right, then He didn't need to come Himself. If God's entire intent was to clarify right from wrong, no personal visitation was necessary. If the ultimate end was simply to overwhelm us with the miraculous so that we would finally believe, then God taking on flesh and blood and walking among us was far from necessary. There is only one reason for God to come Himself, because in issues of love, you just can't have someone else stand in for you."

What a spectacular thought and image to carry with us into this Christmas season! A what an incredible reminder that this remarkable season is yet another depiction of how awesome the discovery and illustration of Love is.

God pursues us with His love, and He pursues us and pursues us. And if we also are to discover Love and show Love, what better way to do so than to follow the example of the One who is Love. And so I urge you, do not forget the pursuit. In the pursuit we can find so much joy, and we can learn exactly what it will take to win over another with our love. We can even learn quite a bit about Love along the way. This is how we grow, how we build a relationship, a friendship, how we learn about that certain special someone and the awesome things Love is working in each of your lives, and maybe even has waiting for you to uncover together.

So don't be deterred by the fear of rejection...
In Song of Solomon 3, "Solomon is describing the desperation that comes when we seem unable to capture the heart of the one we love. I wonder if it ever occurs to us that God feels like this. But if God's love is immeasurable and unending, as the Hebrews describe Him, how deep and profound must be His sense of sorrow and rejection. If anyone know the pain of a love unreturned, it must be God." (Erwin McManus)

...or a wavering belief that such a thing even can exist or dwindling expectations for what love truly is, because really these things should not be a part of our pursuit of Love. Not with the knowledge and hope that we have in the One who is Love.

So can we contemplate our departure from the exhilaration of the pursuit, and realize just how much we are missing out on?
We have been chosen. We have been pursued. And so in return should we. For we have also been rescued, wooed, protected, and lavished. By Love.

Us. Those who never fail to be foolish, to be utterly idiotic, to destroy that which we care about most, to turn our backs on the most incredible of everything life has to offer, to fill ourselves with pointless desire. We never fail to fail. And despite knowing all this, despite knowing that He would be killed in one of the most of gruesome of manners mankind has ever conceived, that we would beat him, cut him, spit in his face and laugh all the while, relishing in our miserable and depraved state, He still came. We ran and He chased. We cursed Him and He shouted out ballads of his passion. And then the love of His life crushed that life from Him, and yet He didn't let even that stop him, it didn't even slow Him down in the slightest! And He just loved all the more. And He has not stopped. No matter how many times we kill Him, He will not stop. Period. End of story. That is the power of the love of God.

And so in return should we choose and pursue. Pursue others. And pursue Love.
"We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19
And Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


As long as she looks good...
As long as he makes me feel good...
As long as she satisfies what I want...
As long as he makes me laugh...
As long as she doesn't hurt me...
As long as he doesn't hurt me...

Sound familiar?

Whenever we think of "true love", we often picture the fairy tale fantasy, you know, the fairy tale every little girl dreams of. Prince Charming, charging in on his trusty steed, slaying any atrocious beast that dares threaten his love, the beautiful princess, and then sweeping her off of her feet, he says the perfect words and she responds in the perfect way, and they ride into the sunset where they live happily ever after. Clean cut, simple, and everyone ends up happy forever.

But in the realities of our experience, as we search out love in this world, how much more often do we realize that forever seems to have a very real beginning and an even more real end? And as we seek out love over and over and over again we are so many times drawn into this cycle of elation and then ultimately disappointment, until we are left struggling with the notion that maybe love just isn't all it's made out to be. That we should just be prepared to be let down, because we can never live up to the standards of love.

We can never meet the conditions necessary to see love thrive.

But let's think about this...we've already established that God is love. So if love truly does have conditions we must meet, then in order to discover the love of God, to be embraced and blessed by Him, there are also certain requirements that we must fulfill, right?

Pray every day.
Read your Bible.
Go to church.
Don't lie.
Honor your parents.
Don't envy.
Don't steal.
Don't think about that.
Don't say this.
Do this.
Do that.
And this. And that...and that...and that...

And if you don't, God is going to withhold that love until you submit to the system.

"What governments have not always been able to do, religions have accomplished with amazing effectiveness. They keep people in line...Ironically this is where so many have a problem with Jesus. For centuries the church has been telling us if we want God to love us, we need to follow the rules. It's been far more important to focus on the sin problem than the love problem. This is the only way the institution can maintain control over our lives. After all, if love is unconditional, what will keep them following our rules? Don't we want people, first and foremost, to be good? If our goal is to get people to conform, you can accomplish that without love, but you can't maintain a civilization without the rule of law....
What in the world would happen if people actually began discovering the actual message of Jesus Christ--that love is unconditional? What would happen if we began to realize that God was not, in face, waiting for us to earn His love, but that He was passionately pursuing us with His love? What would happen if the word got out that Jesus was offering His love freely and without condition?"
(Erwin McManus in "Soul Craving")

What indeed?

People, we're human. If it is at all possible, we are going to screw it up in some way shape or form. It's a fact of life, a harsh one yes but a fact nonetheless. Some guy named Murphy actually put it this way and I guess people thought it was so good they actually made it into a scientific law, Murphy's Law: If something can go wrong, it will go wrong.

But that's the beauty of the Love of God. He doesn't care in the least. He already knows it's going to go wrong, and He simply does not care. Because His love is absolutely and forever without condition.

Sounds great.
As long as she looks good...
As long as he makes me feel good...
As long as she satisfies what I want...
As long as he makes me laugh...
As long as she doesn't hurt me...
As long as he doesn't hurt me...

Are we as humans really capable of reproducing such a seemingly impossible concept?
Erwim McManus goes on to say, "We know in the pit of our stomachs that if love is conditional, it can't really be love at all. We also know that if love is unconditional, we are neither the sources nor the instigators of such love, which again is a part of our conflict. We want what we do not give. We long for what we seem incapable of producing."

And here we come full circle. The love that we show others is the beautiful result of the Love that is flowing in and through us as we continue to learn and grow in our relationship with God, who just so happens to be Love itself. I mean we spit in His face, constantly and consistently turn our backs on Him, we even killed Him! Yet still He pursues us with reckless abandon. And as we learn of Him and His Love, so will we also be able to overcome the idiocies of our human nature and truly at least attempt to grasp the concept of Love being utterly unconditional. Easy? Oh no. But how often is it really? And how worth the effort of trying when compared with the sheer grandness of the reward.

And granted, there are definitely times when we just need to realize that something isn't working, especially if it is destructive in any way, but that doesn't mean that we should allow simple shortcomings to define the course of a relationship. Because how well aware we are that we all have them. But besides, we're talking about the discovery of Love here, not the fleeting feelings of a summer romance, though of course Love could be sowing its seeds through that as well. In any case it's yet another matter of wisdom. Thank God He promises to give it whenever we simply ask.

A thought. Something we could all use when honestly and passionately considering our discovery of the Love we so desperately desire.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

On A More Personal Note...Slightly Condensed

For those of you with slightly shorter attention spans, I have managed to reduce the length of this particular entry by about a third...still a stretch I know but bear with me it's good I promise!

It all comes down to Love. It is all because of Love. Period.

In our individual lives, how do we see Love, how do we show Love, how do we find Love? And this last question especially is where the meaning of this note rests. Because really it is by a combination of the first two, first seeing Love and then showing Love, that we find Love.

Trying to find Love is something that everyone who has ever lived and will ever live has struggled tooth and nail with. But as Christians we've already found Love! So what's the big deal here? Shouldn't we be working on the seeing and showing parts?
But okay,that's not quite what I meant, so lets rewind and refocus to the first thing that probably popped into your mind when I said "finding Love," obviously finding Love with that certain special someone. A recurring thought in many of our minds, I do believe, and being so constantly personal this concept becomes just that much more essential for us to decipher.
So as we learn and learn to love, a task that undoubtedly will span through this life and even into the next, how do we discover this Love in the relationships we immerse ourselves in? And how do we find that certain special "Love" so many of us, especially those of us in the stage of life I as well am also enduring however begrudgingly at times, so desperately long for?
And the answer to this question is quite simple. It all goes back to what Love really is.

A verb.

We show Love, and we will discover it. As we continue to grow and learn about and in our relationship with our Father, and only when and as we do this, we learn Love, because obviously if we know Him and He is Love, then at the same time we know Love. And this is the underlying purpose behind anything and everything ever in this life, to know Him and at the same time to know His Love. And then to show that Love. And so we learn more. And we are able to show more.

And really, who can withstand the perfect, incredible Love of God when it is flat out staring them in the face? And especially when the one whose face it is staring into is at the same time so desperately grasping the desire to learn about that same Love.

Because when we think about it, the Love working in us is the exact same Love that is working in them. End of discussion. And what awesome implications this can hold...

A word of caution though. Of course, just because that same Love is working in and through two people does not mean that Love has them working in the same direction at the same time, even in the exact same way. So yeah, it's risky. First we have to find a person that is desperately in Love with our God just as we are, a daunting task to be sure. Then, something that is beyond our control (and trust me I hate that fact just as much if not more than anyone) must be perfectly lined up, where the place the other finds themselves on the journey of discovering Love can coincide with your own path and the plan Love is working on in and through you. It's a timing issue simply put, and can often make or break a relationship. But then we remember that Love created time, knows all that occurs in time, and wants to see Love displayed and discovered as desperately as we do.

This is one of the most difficult things we will face in life, and it is a road that will most likely be strewn with pain beyond fair explanation. But really, when considering the reward, the joy, the chance of uncovering understanding of the the most remarkable concept in history, when the burden seems too much to bear we can just remember that the end will oh so justify the pain it took to get us there. And if things don't seem to be working out as perfectly as you had planned them to, maybe the position you yourself are in is simply one of building the gratuitous amounts of patience it takes when learning and showing Love (though I am not saying this is always the case. But I can guarantee that some sort of lesson is being presented, such as maybe perseverance on the journey to finding that one who Love is working you towards, or any number of other things.)

And imperatively, the perspective must be maintained that really still the focus is on growing in and uncovering the astounding secrets of the Love God has for us, and that relationship we have with Him.
We must first make ourselves open to and transformed by that perfect Love. And I cannot emphasize this enough.

This is an outlet, a chance for us to use what we've learned, to show how brilliantly Love has changed us, and to praise Him for it, in every situation to lean on Him all the more, and for Him to reveal even more amazingly unthinkable things. It is a product of His desire to see our lives filled with complete and pure joy, and to eventually get but a taste of that incredible intimacy we will have with Him someday. But to love another with such reckless abandon as He has for us! The epitome of brilliant and beautiful perfection! But maybe that's just the hopeless romantic in me coming out. A book I read once described it as this: "He Chooses, He Pursues, He Rescues, He Woos, He Protects, He Lavishes." But then I guess that goes into part two of this discussion, what happens once we have found that perfect person and timing, and then begin to develop that perfect Love. Another time perhaps...

Again I just managed to barely skim the on this specific topic, but then if I continued to ramble how many of you would actually continue to read, being as it is probably a miracle you've made it this far. So basically, I just wanted to say don't give up hope on Love! It is real and vibrant and so awesomely fantastic, and with its great risk comes so great a reward. And hopefully the recognition of some of these ideas, or those that these ideas may give life to, will aid you in your quest to learn of Love and to love. In any case, food for thought. Thoughts you can expand as to dig a little deeper. And an interesting perspective on learning to love.

Dive Deep

Originally Posted 12/7/08

Saturday, December 6, 2008

On A More Personal Note

Such a remarkable thought.
Unthinkable to the limitations of the human mind alone.
Sometimes seemingly beyond understanding at al.
A concept that is the most profound, the most powerful, the most absolutely essential of all knowable things.
A concept that so often drives us to wonder, to question, to doubt, even to feel such excruciating pain in the pit of our hearts that we wish to do nothing more kill it, bury it, and curl up in a ball and attempt to sleep away the agony that haunts us still.
But still. It is the very meaning of our existence, the purpose behind our creation, the reason we were placed on this earth and given these lives to begin with.



Please, I now beg you to leave behind all preconceptions you have of Love, what you have picked up through relationships, through reading, through whatever avenue of learning you may have contrived of the nature of Love. For many different people have many different definitions for this thing they call "love", but who more to rely on for its definition, the knowledge and understanding of everything that is Love than the One who created it, the One who literally wrote the Book on it, the One who is it. And let me tell you, He has some dumbfounding things to say about it.

"This is how we know what Love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us."


And a verb if there ever was one.

"Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."
"This is love for God: to obey his commands."


The gravity of what I am attempting to convey is something that cannot possible be adequately put into words. The reality of Love, and the utterly immeasurable importance that we learn, that we love, that we lean to love, is something we Christians especially cannot risk to lose sight of, because it is what defines our very existence.

The war we find ourselves immersed in.
The sacrifice of Christ.
The hope we have.
The perseverance and patience we are urged to develop.
And of course, the relationships we build and nurture.

It all comes down to Love. It is all because of Love. Period.

But I've said most of this before in some form or fashion, and so I now wish to move on to the driving thought behind the writing of this note.

In our individual lives, how do we see Love, how do we show Love, how do we find Love? And this last question especially is where the meaning of this note rests. Because really it is a combination of the first two, first seeing Love and then showing Love, that we find Love.

Trying to find Love is something that everyone who has ever lived and will ever live has struggled tooth and nail with. But as Christians we've already found Love! So what's the big deal here? Shouldn't we be working on the seeing and showing parts?
But okay,that's not quite what I meant, so lets rewind and refocus to the first thing that probably popped into your mind when I said "finding Love," obviously finding Love with that certain special someone. A recurring thought in many of our minds, I do believe, and being so constantly personal this concept becomes just that much more essential for us to decipher.
So as we learn and learn to love, a task that undoubtedly will span through this life and even into the next, how do we discover this Love in the relationships we immerse ourselves in? And how do we find that certain special "Love" so many of us, especially those of us in the stage of life I as well am also enduring however begrudgingly at times, so desperately long for?
And the answer to this question is quite simple. It all goes back to what Love really is.

A verb.

We show Love, and we will discover it. As we continue to grow and learn about and in our relationship with our Father, and only when and as we do this, we learn Love, because obviously if we know Him and He is Love, then at the same time we know Love. And this is the underlying purpose behind anything and everything ever in this life, to know Him and at the same time to know His Love. And then to show that Love. And so we learn more. And we are able to show more.

And really, who can withstand the perfect, incredible Love of God when it is flat out staring them in the face? And especially when the one whose face it is staring into is at the same time so desperately grasping to the desire to learn about that same Love.

Because when we think about it, the Love working in us is the exact same Love that is working in them. End of discussion. And what awesome implications this can hold...

A word of caution though. Of course, just because that same Love is working in and through two people does not mean that Love has them working in the same direction at the same time, even in the exact same way. So yeah, it's risky. First we have to find a person that is desperately in Love with our God just as we are, a daunting task to be sure. Then, something that is beyond our control (and trust me I hate that fact just as much if not more than anyone) must be perfectly lined up, where the place the other finds themselves on the journey of discovering Love can coincide with your own path and the plan Love is working on in and through you. It's a timing issue simply put, and can often make or break a relationship. But then we remember that Love created time, knows all that occurs in time, and wants to see Love displayed and discovered as desperately as we do.

This is one of the most difficult things we will face in life, and it is a road that will most likely be strewn with pain beyond fair explanation. But really, when considering the reward, the joy, the chance of understanding of the the most remarkable concept in history, when the burden seems too much to bear we can just remember that the end will oh so justify the pain it took to get us there. And if things don't seem to be working out as perfectly as you had planned them to, maybe the position you yourself are in is simply one of building the gratuitous amounts of patience it takes when learning and showing Love (I am NOT saying this is always the case. But I can guarantee that some sort of lesson is being presented, such as maybe perseverance on the journey to finding that one who Love is working you towards, or any number of other things.)

And imperatively, the perspective must be maintained that really still the focus is on growing in and uncovering the astounding secrets of the Love God has for us, and that relationship we have with Him.
We must first make ourselves open to and transformed by that perfect Love. And I cannot emphasize this enough.

This is an outlet, a chance for us to use what we've learned, to show how brilliantly Love has changed us, and to praise Him for it, in every situation to lean on Him all the more, and for Him to reveal even more amazingly unthinkable things. It is a product of His desire to see our lives filled with complete and pure joy, and to eventually get but a taste of that incredible intimacy we will have with Him someday. But to love another with such reckless abandon as He has for us! The epitome of brilliant and beautiful perfection! But maybe that's just the hopeless romantic in me coming out. A book I read once described it as this: "He Chooses, He Pursues, He Rescues, He Woos, He Protects, He Lavishes." But then I guess that goes into part two of this discussion, what happens once we have found that perfect person and timing, and then begin to develop that perfect Love. Another time perhaps...

Again I just managed to barely skim the on this specific topic, but then if I continued to ramble how many of you would actually continue to read, being as it is probably a miracle you've made it this far. So basically, I just wanted to say don't give up hope on Love! It is real and vibrant and so awesomely fantastic, and with its great risk comes so great a reward. And hopefully the recognition of some of these ideas, or those that these ideas may give life to, will aid you in your quest to learn of Love and to love. In any case, food for thought. Thoughts you can expand as to dig a little deeper. And an interesting perspective on learning to love.

Dive Deep

Originally Posted 12/6/08

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Perfect Love

A friend of mine recently posted this, and having now read it I cannot help but be inspired to expand and elaborate on such an incredible read on and prepare to be confounded...

Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone, to have a deep soul relationship with another, to be loved thoroughly and exclusively. But God says to a Christian, “No, not until you are satisfied and fulfilled and content with living and loved by me alone.
"I love you my child, and until you discover that only in me is your satisfaction to be found, you will not be capable of the perfect human relationship that I have planned for you. You will never be united with another until you are united with me, exclusive of anyone or anything else, exclusive of any other desires or longings.
"I want you to stop planning, stop wishing, and allow me to give you that most thrilling plan existing, one that you can’t imagine. I want you to have the BEST! Please allow me to bring it to you. You just keep watching me, expecting that satisfaction, expecting the greatest things, and know that I AM. Keep learning and listening to the things I tell you. You must wait!
"Don’t be anxious. Don’t worry. Don’t look around at the things others have received. Don’t look at the things you think you want. You just keep looking off and away up to me, or you'll miss what I want to show you.
“And then, when you’re ready, I'll surprise you with love far more wonderful than you would ever imagine. You see, until you are ready and until the one I have for you is ready (I am working this very minute to have both of you ready at the same time), until you are both satisfied exclusively with me and the life I have planned and prepared for you, you wont be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with me .. and this is perfect love.
"Dear one, I want you to have this most wonderful love. I want you to see in the flesh a picture of your relationship with me and to enjoy materially and concretely the everlasting union of beauty and perfection and love that I offer you with myself. Know that I love you utterly, I am God Almighty. Believe and be satisfied."

This short essay thoroughly encapsulates some of the most awesome ideas that we can possibly grasp about the most fantastic and incredible concept we can come across in our existence: the love of God. In my previous note I attempted to touch on the nature of this love, to convey just how astounding that nature is, and just how spectacular it is to learn. To love. To learn to love. And in my note "A World At War" I briefly went into the reality we live in, the cosmic conflict that rages around us, but "the battle is not the point. Evil is not the point. The point is the love story. We live in a love story that is set in the midst of war."

A love story.
In the middle of a war.

The most epic love story.
In the middle of the most epic war.

Better than any movie, book, or stretch of the human imaginiation. That is our reality.

And now, we have a new idea presented here that brings it all into focus.

God is the most fantastic storyteller of all time. Hey, He's the one who created storytelling! And He's authoring His most grand masterpiece in the lives of every single one of the lives of those who have with reckless abandon given Him that life. And it's a love story. The most grand romance of all time, revolved around His Great Romance, a tale of extravagant love, then abandonment, sorrow, and forgiveness, then rejection, suffering, and pain. Then the proof that through it all that same extravagant love has been running alongside, in, and through the entire time, culminating in ultimate sacrifice. And joy. And peace. And mercy.


It is the grand romance between us retched, lowly, pathetic and depraved, and the most awesome God who loved us so much as to desperately chase after us to the point of death. And the best part is, He gives us the opportunity to feel, express, and relish in that same love here in this life with another who is at the same time experiencing their own miraculous story of love! And our God, the most fantastic storyteller in history, is orchestrating it all! All we need do is follow His lead...

And yet how often do we feel as if we ourselves are sufficiently capable of directing our own tales of love?

But no! How wrong, despicably wrong we are! How are we to even know what this love is without first knowing the One who Himself is Love?! The One we can test and try, with whom we can fail and flounder, over and over and over again, and yet the reaches of His forgiveness are boundless! The depths of His mercy endless! The grace He offers unconditional and limitless, His patience undying, unyielding, incapable of being broken! In Him alone can we find our satisfaction, perfection, the longing to experience extravagant love fulfilled.

"And then, when you’re ready, I'll surprise you with love far more wonderful than you would ever imagine. You see, until you are ready and until the one I have for you is ready (I am working this very minute to have both of you ready at the same time), until you are both satisfied exclusively with me and the life I have planned and prepared for you, you wont be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with me .. and this is perfect love."

To love, we must first learn. And He is the great Teacher. And the most hopeless romantic of all time. The things He has in store for us are so unfathomable and incredible, and often this is why we must have faith, have hope in this knowledge. Because we just don't know.

"I want you to stop planning, stop wishing, and allow me to give you that most thrilling plan existing, one that you can’t imagine. I want you to have the BEST! Please allow me to bring it to you. You just keep watching me, expecting that satisfaction, expecting the greatest things, and know that I AM. Keep learning and listening to the things I tell you. You must wait! Don’t be anxious. Don’t worry. Don’t look around at the things others have received. Don’t look at the things you think you want. You just keep looking off and away up to me, or you'll miss what I want to show you."

We just don't know. But He does. Sometimes when I think about this I imagine Him sitting and watching, bouncing up and down like a little kid, smiling as wide as can be, laughing with eager, anxious anticipation at what is about to happen, because it's going to be so awesome, so perfect, that when it finally does come around such love and joy will be found we simply won't know what to do but lift our heads to Him and quietly whisper, "Thank you."

He is our Father, who loves us unconditionally with all He is, who wants the absolute best for us, and who has it! He is the one who made us to love in the first place. And in His wisdom and understanding He knows that the time will come when we are ready. But only when we are ready. Because no matter how much pain we may endure on the journey, the prize is more than we can dream of.

He is our Savior, who ran through Hell and back in order to secure our eternity with Him. He endured everything Death, Hell, and the grave could through at Him, and He came through with the keys to the gates of the pit in hand. Now why would someone who loves us that spectacularly drag us out of damnation only to leave us to fend for ourselves, to blindly fumble to discover that love we so deeply require and desperately desire? He gave us the chance to love, to love Him, and to love another. Why would He not see that through to miraculous completion? "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives." (Psalm 37:23) Every detail...

And He is our Lover, who loves us unconditionally with all He is, who wants the absolute best for us, and who has it! And it is when we can love Him, and only then, that we will truly be able to love another. Because He is that love. That perfect love.

And just imagine, that perfect love flowing not only out of you but out of another! And that current running so strong, so vivaciously, that nothing could ever even hope to stand in its path, to block its flow, to deny the power of the raging waters of that perfect love. How awesome to see the same love in me working in the same love as her, connecting us in a most brilliant harmony, more spectacular than even the most grand of symphonies, a melody utterly overwhelmingly, staggering, every aspect of it surpassing perfection.

The perfect soundtrack to the perfect story. Written by a perfect God.

The One we can test and try, with whom we can fail and flounder, over and over and over again, and yet the reaches of His forgiveness are boundless, the depths of His mercy endless, the grace He offers unconditional and limitless, His patience undying, unyielding, incapable of being broken! In Him alone can we find our satisfaction, perfection, fulfillment of the longing to experience extravagant love.

Perfect Love.

Originally Posted 11/4/08

Monday, September 1, 2008

For God So Loved

We've all heard it, at least what seems like a billion times. It is one of the most, if not the most, widely known verse in the entirety of the Bible. For many of us who have grown up in the church most of our lives it could very possibly have been the very first verse we ever memorized. And yet, for all the times we have heard it or said it or remembered it, it seems as if in all the repetition it often becomes dull, old, mundane, another one of those "oh yeah, been there heard that let's move on to something new and exciting!!" And we completely miss the fact that this most basic foundation of our faith is the most impossibly incredible and utterly astounding concept that we could ever hope to possibly discover.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life." ~John 3:16


God's Love.

The most incomprehensible aspect of existence and reality that anyone could come across in this world or the next. It is limitless, as no one could ever hope to discover the measure of His love. It is undying, the passion He holds for us unable to be quenched until we run and throw ourselves into his arms with reckless abandon. And even then it cannot be stopped. There is no immovable object that could even have a whisper of a hope to stand against this unstoppable force. Not death, not life, not dark, not light, not demons, angels, depths, heights, past, present, future, not even ourselves, absolutely nothing that has ever been or is or ever will be can possibly stand before the sheer power of the love of our God. And our God IS love. Astounding...

And yet this word often do we hear it? How often do we use it? Just thrown around like another word, another expression, another method to our unending madness? The most incredible force to ever be has been reduced to what? A cliche? I find that ridiculous. If not infuriating.

"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us." ~1 John 3:16

God, the Master and Creator of the universe, the One who has absolutely unlimited power and influence, turns out to be a hopeless romantic. Even in the midst of the most epic battle of all time, for all time, Us.

"The battle is not the point. Evil is not the point. The point is the love story. We live in a love story that is set in the midst of war." ~John Eldredge

Us. Those who never fail to be foolish, to be utterly idiotic, to destroy that which we care about most, to turn our backs on the most incredible of everything life has to offer, to fill ourselves with pointless desire. We never fail to fail. And despite knowing all this, despite knowing that He would be killed in the most of gruesome of manners mankind has ever conceived, that we would beat him, cut him, spit in his face and laugh all the while, relishing in our miserable and depraved state, He still came. We ran and He chased. We cursed Him and He shouted out ballads of his passion. And then the love of His life crushed that life from Him, and yet He didn't let even that stop him, it didn't even slow Him down in the slightest! And He just loved all the more. And He has not stopped. No matter how many times we kill Him, He will not stop. Period. End of story. That is the power of the love of God.

And what astounds me even more? We can have this love. We can show this love. The process is long, even too long for this one lifetime, but I guess what makes that so great is that we have a chance to have more than just this one lifetime. To learn. To love. To learn to love. The complexities and depth of love are innumerable. That much I have become certain of. But still, we are a stubborn race. When have we ever let anything that has seemed totally impossible get in our way? And there is lesson one: nothing can possibly get in our way. Not where love is concerned. An unstoppable force.

But how do we grasp this? How do we abandon every preconceived notion and triviality we have contrived about love and discover it's true inconceivable and impossible nature? Love runs through anything and everything, it is inescapable. It is the very foundational reason for anything and everything good. Period. And what is evil but an adverse reaction to that good?

And now we start back at the beginning.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life." ~John 3:16

He came. He died. God Himself. Loves us. Wants to be with us. For eternity. God loves us so much that He came to die so we can be together. Love is Sacrifice. And God is love. And God cannot not do something that is what He is. God cannot not love. Period. And this is the start of reconciling our minds with the incomprehensible love of God. We start with sacrifice.

And another thought...if His love is so incredible that He would be so willing to do this for us then how much more would he take care of the smallest of our pains that we endure in this life? What can we honestly ask for that He will not meet?

Since He cannot not do something that which He is in His absolute perfection, He cannot lie, and He cannot not love. And so why would He not keep the promises He has given? Simple. He wouldn't. Talk about hope...

And to think...this is only the most basic of the most limited of introductions into the unchartable vastness of the idea and reality of love. I haven't even yet scratched the surface...I can't imagine what could come of completely stripping away the misconceptions and irrational and foolish images we associate with the word "love", of wholly discovering the myriad of facets the most priceless of treasures contains. Of diving deep.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails...And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
~1 Corinthians 13:4-8, 13

Originally Posted 9/1/08

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Meant to Be

Just a random thought...

I could not hope to count how many times i have heard thrown around the phrase, "If it's meant to be then it'll happen" or some related sentiment.

But I wonder...

Maybe, sometimes, when we are faced with a situation where some variation of this idea could come into play, instead of sitting around waiting for the pieces to magically fall into place and the object of our desires to be simply placed into our hands, maybe we are actually given a choice...

Maybe, just maybe, God could also be saying, that if we really do want it...

We have the choice to chase after it with reckless abandon and undying conviction until it is within our grasp to cherish, to have, to hold, to love.

Or the choice to just let it go.

But a choice nonetheless.

I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that those who have chosen to surrender their lives to the living Almighty God will be and have been given a guide for that whisper of influence on this world. But although He is incomprehensibly loving, our Father, He is our guide, our teacher; not our puppet master. He will lead us into situations and place opportunity in our paths to show us what His good and perfect will is. And though this inevitably leads into a myriad of other questions and debates, ultimately, sometimes we ourselves do have to make a choice with the very free will He gave us in the beginning.

A choice to fight?


A choice nonetheless.

So maybe, if it is truly "meant to be" it will happen one way or another. And then maybe we also have been given a choice to decide what we want "to be". Or maybe it's more like, fighting is what will bring what is "meant to be" to be.

A choice to at least fight. A choice to let go.

A choice nonetheless.

We have to remember that different situations merit different responses. Often it very well may come down to a matter of having the wisdom to realize what that response should be, and utilizing an understanding and willingness to see that purpose through. Sometimes we need to let go. Sometimes we need to fight. And sometimes, maybe it is just "meant to be" and it will happen one way or another.

But we also have to take into extremely careful consideration what shape the term "fight" can take depending on the situation it is being applied to. Simple patient and prayerful waiting? Deliberate perseverance through another avenue? Full on and aggressive action in order to chase after it? It is most definitely not always the last one, and there are a myriad of other forms that "fighting" may need to assume. And so we are faced with the absolute imperative to take in to account the possibilities, to weigh and measure the responses we could make, and of course to constantly and continually pray. But we also have to be extremely cautious not to "hear" only that which we wish, that which falls in line with what we desire. And especially that we do not assume that what we want is automatically that which God has said He wants. This is extraordinarily easy to do. We must be aware that to fight more than likely means to face a long and difficult road, one most likely filled with opposition, with disappointment, and possibly even ending in failure. And we must prepare ourselves for such a route. And it is almost definitely not a road we have planned out, that we can see through every twist, turn, and switchback.

And again, maybe what is "meant to be" will just be. Or maybe we just need to let go. Maybe we do need to "fight", whatever that means.

Yeah. It's complicated.
Just a thought.

Originally Published 8/3/08

Friday, July 25, 2008

Ignorance and Bliss

Recently I have noticed a similar basic idea surfacing on the minds of several around me, so now I ask...
Which to decide:

To search for truth and risk ensnarement by misery or to resign oneself to uncertainty or insanity?

Otherwise known as the old cliche:
Is ignorance really bliss?

Should we ask the question if we don't want the answer? Or is it better to live in the peace of the moment?

Thoughts anyone?

Originally Posted 7/25/08

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Ever been in that place where absolutely nothing makes sense; where everything seems to be completely crashing all around you; where all you want to do is cry and scream and destroy a wall or something I don't know but just something to unleash all the hurt and pain and anguish and utter exhaustion but you simply don't have to willpower to do any of those things so you just sit there in pain and anguish and exhaustion and pray that you go numb?

Yeah. You could say I'm there.

The sheer insanity of life has caught up to me. I don't know whether this is just another phase of life or if it's the ravages of the war I talked about previously, and frankly I do not care in the least because right now I'm in that place where none of that really matters to me. For all of my "knowledge" and "wisdom" and "experience" and patience and will to hang on, I just can't do it right now. All I want to do is lay in my bed, curl up in a ball, and sleep my life away until it magically repairs itself into relative normalcy. I would kill for normal right now. I would give almost anything for it just to be put up on a shelf and left to fix itself and for me to never look back. And I hate the fact that I just am not the kind of person who can do that.

Why can't I just let it go!?!? I'm just so tired of fighting, of worrying, of stressing over things that only seem to bringing me down, of driving my mind into a depression that seems it will refuse to let up. And even when it seems to look like it might, just for a little while, oh wait here's something else so nope just kidding! That tunnel that does not exist...yep, I'm most definitely there. And I'm there alone. Why else do you think I'm here pouring my heart out where if I actually publish this the whole world can see my anguish and laugh. I don't want the pity, I definitely don't need it! So why am I doing this???

Why am I baring my vulnerability and failure and shortcoming and foolishness for the world to see??

Well one because when something is on my mind I like to write, and it just so happens that this allows me to vent in a way that is not physically harmful to anyone/anything.
But also because still, somewhere deep down, I pray that in my brokenness, in my pain, as I stumble through the darkness of the tunnel that does not exist, that someone can find hope. Find hope in my own humanity.

I am imperfect. I am a fool.
We all are.
And no matter who you are, where you are, what you're doing and where you're going, you'll find this tunnel. It is inevitable. Unfortunately, it's one of those sad facts of life, the result of a broken and fallen humanity in a cursed and doomed world.

But really, I am not alone. No matter how alone I feel, I am not alone.
But really, we are not alone. No matter how alone we feel, we are not alone.

Not only do we have the knowledge of each other in our own failure and humanity, but for those of us who are really blessed, we have the knowledge that there is this ridiculously awesome God who is so desperately in love with us. And yeah the words are easy, the reality definitely more difficult, but there is always a way that is provided for us. A crack in the tunnel. A flood of redemption. And white.

We may not see it for the tunnel, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. For is it the white that does not exist, or merely the tunnel? Interesting...

"What kind of damage could we do with this kind of knowledge...
What kind of suffering could we turn into hope...
What kind of bitterness could we turn into joy...
What kind of anguish could we turn into victory..."

So anyways I'm finished now. Please do not give me your pity, for even in this tunnel there is that chance to live and learn and be loved. And I have that knowledge, and the knowledge that really it will not kill me no matter how much longer it will continue to pain me. It'll take time, of course more time; of that I have no doubt. Maybe even more mental, emotional uncertainty and whole lot more praying. But as of yet, as the Word says, I haven't suffered yet to the point of shedding blood; and I am striving to continue the search for that "pure joy", for "the good". Because it's there, more real and more vibrant than any hopelessness of the tunnel that does not exist.

So do not pity me, but rejoice with me. Because I am a fool. And because no matter how lost I am in the tunnel that does not exist, I am not truly lost. No matter how alone, I am not truly alone.

And neither will you ever be.
Sorrow into joy.
So dive deep.

(And if you have no idea what I mean by the tunnel and things such as that, read "A Story" and it should make at least a little more sense)

"But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when you will be scattered, each one going his own way, leaving me alone. Yet I am not alone because the Father is with me. I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
John 16:32-33

Dive deep.

Originally Posted 6/17/08

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A World At War

So I just finished this book.

And in the back of this book was a section about what the main plot centered on: demon possession and spiritual warfare. Now bear with me on this one...

"There is something in human nature that just doesn't want to face the reality that we live in two worlds. We live in the physical, material world where we have jobs, read books, and go about our business. And we live in a spiritual world--and that is a world at war." John Eldredge

And this got me thinking...

We live in a world at war...

All around us, every minute of every day, a battle of epic proportions is being fought over the very course of history. Really over everything period. Now granted this war was already won approximately 2000 years ago on this hill known as Golgotha, but battle rages on. As the book puts it, "These are merely its death throes, raging through the darkness. The bitter outrage of a defeated beast."

And very rarely do we actually see the physical affects of this war, except for in the few and far between cases of actual demon possession, and even then we truly have nothing to fear because victory is already God's. But then I read something else that got me thinking about that too...

"The battle is not the point. Evil is not the point. The point is the love story. We live in a love story that is set in the midst of war."

A love story.
In the middle of a war.

The most epic love story.
In the middle of the most epic war.

Better than any movie, book, or stretch of the human imaginiation. That is our reality.

There is a God who loves us so desperately that He came down and died for us. And since Satan obviously can't overthrow God Himself, what better way to cause Him torment than to destroy that which He cherishes about anything else; that which He made in His own image, that which He loves so intensely, that which He calls His bride, that which He died for. How better to mock that sacrifice than to coax away that which was sacrificed for. And to see it go so willingly!

We are caught in a world of war. We may not always see it, but then what better strategy to have than to convince the lamb that the lion does not exist?
And what's more, we are warriors in this war! Fighting alongside the greatest love of our life for the very souls of those around us, for eternity itself. And that is our reality.

So this thought interested me...we are called children of God, those that love Him, those who are to don the warrior's armour and fight for the Great Romance that such great sacrifice was made, those who have accepted this as reality with reckless abandon and undying commitment and loyalty. Those who are called to fight on the side of our God in this epic war. So as Satan sits at his war table and ponders all of this, he gets an idea. He knows our every weakness, is an expert in the nature of humanity with all its flaws and brilliance. And so why not attack with this knowledge? If he takes us out of commission not only does he cause God more pain but He keeps us from completing our mission and takes us more or less out of the war entirely!

Why do you think James said, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds"?? Because the very fact that we deal with all sorts of crap in life just goes to show that we are a threat! And we can only prove ourselves stronger for going though it; though of course not having troubles doesn't mean we aren't a threat, just blessed to have a reprieve from the struggles of reality, however brief.

The devil knows our weaknesses, knows our breaking points and so do the rest of the demons. In work, in school, in our relationships, in our pride, in our self image, in our fears, in every single possible aspect of out lives. In our humanity. And when he sees a threat he will stop at nothing to neutralize it using every weapon he has. It is war.

This is war.

"The real question is what to do with evil that isn't so demonstrative. It's much harder to believe in an enemy you can't see, now isn't it? And what's more, it's working in a frenzy, every day, every hour, unseen except in the few places where it becomes overindulgent and exposes itself to the world. [Evil] is destroyed. In a place called Golgotha, two thousand years ago. These are merely its death throes, raging against the darkness. The bitter outrage a defeated beast." Ted Dekker

What kind of damage could we do with this kind of knowledge...
What kind of suffering could we turn into hope...
What kind of bitterness could we turn into joy...
What kind of anguish could we turn into victory...

We live in a world of war.

Just food for thought....

Originally Posted 6/12/08

Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Fool Among Fools

I am a fool. It is a recognition I have recently discovered and one that quite possibly may have the potential to be one of the most profound realizations any person may find themselves facing. And ironically this recognition is not in any way negative or debasing, but an opportunity to turn suffering into blessing, pain into joy. Foolishness into wisdom. To learn. To grow. This is what I mean...

Foolishness is an inherent component of the human condition. We are imperfect, depraved, prone to conduct ourselves in manners which only cause pain and suffering to ourselves and those around us; this is what allows us to learn and grow. I mean honestly, how often do we absolutely insist on learning the "hard way", indulging in our foolishness in hopes of reaping wisdom by our own means. But also how many times do we enter a situation, feeling so confident, so "ready", it sometimes even seeming like God Himself has reached down and placed something so good and great right into your hands, only to see it through and have it seemingly snatched away without even realizing what just happened. I mean, it was so good, so right, and yet the same God who had given has now taken! And here is where our foolishness bears itself for all to see. We cry out, we lash out, we blame, we criticize, we act rashly and foolishly and even just plain stupidly; we wonder why a God who is supposed to be so loving and caring and who is supposedly always looking out for us, who promised that He "causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose," would do something like this to us.

But that's just the thing.

He doesn't do it to us. He does it for us.

In our foolishness, we often cannot wrap our minds around the fact that truly all things do work together for good. Whether it is because of emotions or lack of understanding or whatever, whether we see it as a direct cause of something we have chosen to do or just another part of life, we find it so hard to believe that what is happening is really so good. Another great paradox. Sometimes we have to be hurt in order to really grow. This truth is everywhere: a field burned in order to nurture the soil and allow even more abundant life than before; a muscle broken down in order to build it back up even stronger than it was; allowing a doctor to cut into a body, to intentionally harm, in order to heal. In our foolishness, we are allowed to heal, to learn, to grow, returning even stronger than before. It is when we realize this, and the fact that we are fools, that we don't know everything, that no matter how much we believe ourselves to be ready we never really are at least not by ourselves within our own capacity, that foolishness begins to translate to wisdom. Our foolishness is a curse, yes, but also a blessing when looked at from the correct perspective. And the wisdom that comes with the realization that we are nothing but fools is a great thing to have, for there we find peace.

Peace with confliction. Peace within confliction.

And this is good. This is the good. Learning. Growing. Harvesting wisdom that perhaps we could not have had sown any other way.

I am but a fool. But I know my Maker is using my foolishness, my imperfection, my rashness, even my stupidity, to mold me, teach me, make me the man He has designed me to be.

I know I am a fool; I don't know all there is to know about this life and the interactions and relationships I will form and cherish and neither will I ever. But in my foolishness I have been blessed to have a God who will always be teaching me, even if when I cry out to Him it seems as though He has disappeared. Because yes, it will undoubtedly stretch my limited capacity for patience to its utter limits as time is an ingredient of unknown measure that is sometimes unfortunately essential to the process. Yes, it will test my composition and character and fortitude and willingness and obedience. But isn't that the point. Because He knows. He always does, because He is no fool. But as I am a fool, I can learn. And I am content with my foolishness. Sometimes we just have to search in spite of our foolishness to find that good. The good. Sometimes we have to dive deep. And it may burn, there is no question of that. We have to use our foolishness and whatever connotation and consequences that may bring with it in order to find wisdom. Otherwise what are we but fools wading in foolishness and hopelessness. And we are given this choice: to act as fools and fools only, or to strive to be more than such. And this choice is ours and ours alone. For love is the consistent underlying purpose behind it all, and without a choice love cannot exist. But that's a whole other spiel entirely (and oh how I so look forward to it!).

Peace within confliction.

I am a fool.

Originally Posted 5/29/08

Thursday, April 17, 2008

That's My King

These are the thoughts of a man by the name of S.M. Lockridge who in 1976 delivered a message that came to be known as "That's My King". I have here transcribed the words and also found an audio link (definitely recommended) if you click here. It may be slightly lengthy, but I promise it is most definitely a quality composition, and probably one of the closest ways to accurately describe in words the God I have come to know and love this side of paradise, implementing an incredible tone and style. Even if you have no idea who I speak of or who Lockridge attempts to depict, it is quite remarkable. Plus maybe it'll give you some sort of idea why many find so much worth in giving their lives to the notion of worshiping a man who was crushed by the Jews and Romans in one of the most brutal of manners known to humanity two thousand years ago (though as the story goes, I hear it just was not enough). But those who have met this guy before, this King, our King, you'll know what's being talked about. And I believe you will quite enjoy it.

My King was born King.
The Bible says He’s a Seven Way King.
He’s the King of the Jews – that’s a racial King.
He’s the King of Israel – that’s a National King.
He’s the King of righteousness.
He’s the King of the ages.
He’s the King of Heaven.
He’s the King of glory.
He’s the King of kings and He is the Lord of lords.

Now that’s my King.

Well I wonder if you know Him. Do you know Him?
Don’t try to mislead me. Do you know my King?

David said the Heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament show His handiwork.

My King is the only one whom there are no means of measure can define His limitless love.
No far seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of His shore of supplies.
No barriers can hinder Him from pouring out His blessing.
Well, well, He’s enduringly strong.
He’s entirely sincere.
He’s eternally steadfast.
He’s immortally graceful.
He’s imperially powerful.
He’s impartially merciful.
That’s my King.

He’s God’s Son.
He’s the sinner’s saviour.
He’s the centrepiece of civilization.
He stands alone in Himself.
He’s honest.
He’s unique.
He’s unparalleled.
He’s unprecedented.
He’s supreme.
He’s pre-eminent.
Well, He’s the loftiest idea in literature.
He’s the highest personality in philosophy.
He’s the supreme problem in high criticism.
He’s the fundamental doctrine of proved theology.
He’s the carnal necessity of spiritual religion.
That’s my King.

He’s the miracle of the age.
He’s the superlative of everything good that you choose to call Him.
Well, He’s the only one able to supply all of our needs simultaneously.
He supplies strength for the weak.
He’s available for the tempted and the tried.
He sympathizes and He saves.
He’s a strong God and He guides.
He heals the sick.
He cleanses the lepers.
He forgives sinners.
He discharges debtors.
He delivers the captives.
He defends the feeble.
He blesses the young.
He serves the unfortunate.
He regards the aged.
He rewards the diligent and He beautifies the meek.

Do you know Him?

Well, my King is the key of knowledge.
He’s the wellspring of wisdom.
He’s the doorway of deliverance.
He’s the pathway of peace.
He’s the roadway of righteousness.
He’s the highway of holiness.
He’s the gateway of glory.
He’s the master of the mighty.
He’s the captain of the conquerors.
He’s the head of the heroes.
He’s the leader of the legislatures.
He’s the overseer of the overcomers.
He’s the governor of governors.
He’s the prince of princes.
He’s the King of kings and He’s the Lord of lords.

That’s my King. Yeah. Yeah.
That’s my King. My King, yeah.

His office is manifold.
His promise is sure.
His light is matchless.
His goodness is limitless.
His mercy is everlasting.
His love never changes.
His Word is enough.
His grace is sufficient.
His reign is righteous.
His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Well. I wish I could describe Him to you, but He’s indescribable. He’s indescribable. Yes.
He’s incomprehensible.
He’s invincible.
He’s irresistible.

I’m coming to tell you, the heavens of heavens cannot contain Him, let alone a man explaining Him.
You can’t get Him out of your mind.
You can’t get Him off of your hands.
You can’t outlive Him and you can’t live without Him.

Well, Pharisees couldn’t stand Him, but they found out they couldn’t stop Him.
Pilot couldn’t find any fault in Him.
The witnesses couldn’t get their testimonies to agree.
Herod couldn’t kill Him.
Death couldn’t handle Him and the grave couldn’t hold Him.
That’s my King. Yeah.

He always has been and He always will be.
I’m talking about He had no predecessor and He’ll have no successor.
There’s nobody before Him and there’ll be nobody after Him.
You can’t impeach Him and He’s not going to resign.
That’s my King!
That’s my King!

Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory.
Well, all the power belongs to my King.
We’re around here talking about black power and white power and green power, but it’s God’s power. Thine is the power. Yeah.
And the glory.
We try to get prestige and honour and glory for ourselves, but the glory is all His. Yes. Thine is the Kingdom and the power and glory, forever and ever and ever and ever.
How long is that? And ever and ever and ever and ever.
And when you get through with all of the evers, then,

Oh yeah and for an abbreviated version with a little visual with it click here

And one last quote from to wrap up...

How can we know that what Jesus has shown us of God is the truth; or how do we know when we look into the face of Jesus that we are looking into the face of God? The answer is so plain and simple that it is a marvel how intelligent men can manage to miss it as they do. Look at what Christ has done for the soul of man: that is your answer. Christianity is just Christ - nothing more and nothing less. It is a way of life, and He is that way. It is the truth about human destiny, and He is that truth.
~R. J. Campbell

Originally Posted 4/17/08

Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Fence

Totally random thoughts to sort of go along with the spiel entitled "Paradox"...

There was a book I read once....kind of....that bears the title "Does God Exist?" One guess as to what it's about.
Basically what it consists of is a debate between atheist Kai Nielson and theist J.P. Morgan, and even in the very preface one can find an intriguing thought...

"The desire behind this book's undertaking was to bring to your attention many of the critical and life-changing issues that surround the question of the existence of God. We hope you will weigh the "pros" and "cons" carefully and rationally. Then make a decision--to choose a position or to engage in more reflection and study. But whatever you do, we hope you don't put the matter aside and press on with your life. This question is too great, too fundamental, too all-impacting to set aside. Indeed, to ignore is to decide--to decide how you will think and live...."

Then also later....

"Sigmund Freud's argument, though often shocking to believers, is consistantly logical: If religion is an illusion, it is the greatest of all illusions, in fact, a species of collective insanity, like the imaginary friend of a child who never grew up. The same is true, of course, about atheism if theism is true: It is the child's denial of the parent's existence."

And to wrap up something that may or may not really have anything to do with this...a little story to help you sleep at night

There was a large group of people. On one side of the group stood a man, Jesus. On the other side of the group stood Satan. Separating them, running through the group, was a fence.

The scene set, both Jesus and Satan began calling to the people in the group and, one by one - each having made up his or her own mind - each went to either Jesus or Satan.

This kept going. Soon enough, Jesus had gathered around him a group of people from the larger crowd, as did Satan.

But one man joined neither group. He climbed the fence that was there and sat on it. Then Jesus and his people left and disappeared. So too did Satan and his people. And the man on the fence sat alone.

As this man sat, Satan came back, looking for something which he appeared to have lost. The man said, "Have you lost something?" Satan looked straight at him and replied, "No, there you are. Come with me."

"But", said the man, "I sat on the fence. I chose neither you nor him."

"That's okay," said Satan. "I own the fence."

Originally Posted 4/17/08


This is a great paradox of the universe:

Throughout history never has mankind failed, no matter culture or circumstance, to scour the heavens in search of some sort of Force or Higher Power, some sort of Being or Creator in the stars that is residing out there seemingly just beyond our reach. And throughout the millennia myriads of conclusions have been drawn concerning this peculiar curiosity, whether polytheistic, monotheistic, pantheistic, animistic, atheistic, or something that will here fall in the category of "other". Yet it never fails to astound me that despite all that searching never has one man, woman, or child truly found the One True God in those stars.

Now I qualify that statement: without doubt one may look at the stars and so be able to conclude that there is some sort of Deity or Power, to speculate about Him or It or whatever, and who can guess what mere observation may bring about in one's mind concerning the nature of that Power. But here I am talking about the Most High. The real deal. The answer to the question billions have asked themselves at least once in life. And who can deny that they have not also offered up even the simplest of prayers in the most the most desperate of circumstances? The thought of the existence of a all-powerful Being that is watching over us is a part of our humanity. So yes, the heavens declare His glory and majesty, as does all of creation. And it confounds me how any rationally thinking human could look outside on a cool autumn day when the sun is emanating radiance, the sky is the most brilliant blue one could fathom, and the trees are more grand a canvas than the most accomplished of artists' masterpiece, and yet fully reject the thought of a spectacular grand design composed by One whose only purpose in doing so is to declare His undying passion for His own, to illustrate how desperately He longs to hold them in His arms and wrap them in love that will stand and comfort for all eternity, even after the trees have lost their beauty and withered away to dust. How much He yearns for us to reject the same path our fathers have walked.

But those stars are not Him.

And yet even in our rebellion we declare His existence! What a thought this is! For how would one rebel if there was not one to rebel against? Yes, even our sin shows Him true! For why else would we call it "sin", or "wrong" or immoral" if there was not some sort of set standard that this fallen state of human nature urges we challenge? And why would man institute this measure of character if it goes against even basic instinct? Have you ever observed a child, how it must be reared in taught what is right and all the way it may do so only after strenuous struggle and perseverance, and still it will most likely rebel yet again! But still one can see Him if only they choose to look. And also does this resound His love, for our rebellion is yet another proof of the choice all humanity must determine for himself, for without choice how can love truly exist? Are we to be as mindless as the machines we construct? Or does the Almighty ache for us to return His compassion because we too ache to be with Him and declare His worth and honor to all?

But here maybe I have strayed slightly from my initial consideration.

This is a great paradox of the universe:
That throughout history mankind has scoured the heavens in search for the Most High. And whenever we think of some sort of Presence like this we almost always tend to look and think "up" and "out" there. And all along we need only open our eyes to the fact that He has been right in front of us the whole time, dashing for us with love that is unbounded; that He is all around us and we only need say the word and He will come into us as well, filling our hearts with His Spirit. An abstract thought? Maybe. But maybe also the greatest of realities one may come to discover.

To fully know the character of the Almighty and the true extent of the miraculousness of His love one may argue that man must also search deeper, for example into the Word that He has made available. But that discussion is not the one which I now address. Here is presented the most basic of ideas that the Creator Himself cannot be found in the skies. And yet of course He is there as He is everywhere. But never will we know Him just by staring off into space, for that itself is not Him.
The great paradox:
He can be found in our hearts. And then only when we allow Him to so reside there.
Only when we stop constantly looking up.
And when we start crying out.
And then begin to open within.
And then reach to Him as He is to us. And only right in front of us! Not across millions of miles, not only after we successfully navigate an impossible maze of set standards and rules and criteria that will make us "worthy". But He wants us as we are now. Anything else can come later.
The heavens in all their brilliance declare His glory and reflect His power, and yet they are nothing compared to He Himself; and it is what we do with the recognition of this that will ultimately make the difference.

Abstract? Yes.
Confusing? Most definitely it can be.
Worthy of thought? I think so.
One of the most astounding of realities? I leave that to you.

If nothing else, some interesting thoughts to consider.

"The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world..."

"Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

Originally Posted 4/17/08