Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My God, My God, Why Have You Not Forsaken Me?

He Chooses.

Your love is pure, Your love is precious
Your love is all I need
Your love surrounds me, Your love astounds me
Your love is everything

I run to You when my heart is weak
I cling to You, You're all I seek
It's my heart's desire to be close to You
Here in Your arms I'll find my strength

Everything I want, everything I hope in
Everything my heart cries out for
You're everything I want, everything I hope in
You're everything my heart cries out for

I know I've touched on this subject before, I even shared this same song not all that long ago.

But still, in this moment, I am completely astounded by the sheer insanity of it all. Because that's what it is, isn't it?

That we would dare to believe such a thing, that we would even dare to consider the possibility...who do we really think we are?!

That a God, as so unfathomably powerful that He could create the universe with a mere breath and in the space of the same moment make it to have never even existed with less than a thought, a God so unimaginably huge exists in and through that same universe and still far beyond its greatest reaches, a God who is not bound by any law of space or time, but in fact created those very concepts, a God who rules and reigns wholly and totally and does so everlasting, who is everything that good and pure and lovely, a God who is in fact Love, that a God like that would Love...


A people who are called the epitome of Creation and yet have never failed to destroy it, who in fact brought destruction upon that Creation with our initial and continual rebellion against the very One who chose us, chose to Love us so irrationally and recklessly, a people who shift more easily than the wind, on our knees singing praises like the one above with one breath and cursing His very being with our actions, or worse coasting as though the raging Love being lavished on us does not in fact have the power to radically alter our every second with it's boundless power as we claim to believe. And I am as guilty of this as anyone. I've been called arrogant, cocky, a fool, and a fake. And perhaps I am, all this and more. I never fail to continue to fail and disappoint the incredible God who saved me, who in His great love and mercy picked me up out of the mud and continues to do so despite my foolishness. I admit to this and I am ashamed. And yet my God loves me still.

And yet He loves us still. Knowing all of this, before He even began to form Creation, He chose us.

It's even more than just being His favorites. It's like even if we were the only being to ever be, He could not possibly love and lavish us any more. Now that's insanity.

And yet it is what we believe.

It makes no sense...

And yet it makes perfect sense.

Because that's what Love is.

A choice. A choice He gave us and a choice He makes every day, where instead of wiping us off of the face of the earth, He continues to lavish us. Instead of turning His back on us, instead of forgetting about us as we so continually turn away from Him and, fail to remember Him, He chooses to choose us, to plead with us to understand that His grace truly is sufficient and His power is made perfect in weakness as it says in 2 Corinithians 12:9.

Now that is hope.

So what will we choose?

Will we dare to believe it?

We are daily, even in every moment, given a choice. A choice to love God and to love those around us. A choice to recognize that we have indeed been chosen, and a choice in how to respond to that reality. And it is our response to that choice that will ultimately define us. I would very much encourage you not to overlook the implications of these things.

So what will we choose?

Dive Deep.

1 comment:

  1. You are a really great writer. I like your style, and the message is wonderful. It almost sounds like a sermon...
