Sunday, March 22, 2009

One More Second

As i stood outside underneath the stars this evening, for the first time in far too long, I couldn't help but yet again, as I always am, be utterly taken aback at the breathtaking beauty of the stars. Innumerable, glorious and brilliant, they never fail to leave me in silent wonder at the incredible power, and of course you should have seen this coming, the awesome Love of my God.

I made the point I am about to revisit in my last post, in which I mainly tried to emphasize the significance of the second greatest commandment, to "love your neighbor as yourself," in the life of any and every Christian. But as I've continued to toss that idea around in my mind, the more I needed to make sure this point is recognized, the more and more I cannot shake the desire, no the complete compulsion, to say what I am about to say because of just how spectacular it would be if we can really grasp, continually remember, just begin to comprehend...

What could happen, in the space of just one second, if the Love of Jesus showed up?

If you've read anything I've ever written, I hope you've realized the complete passion I have for the love God has for us, and may even be completely sick of me always reiterating how remarkable, unfathomable, immeasurable, boundless, endless, limitless, spectacular, fantastic, awe-inspiring, impossibly awesome, and pretty much every other such expression humanity has ever contrived and even those it hasn't and can only be described by the insane joy and hope we have in and because of that love.

But do we really believe it? I mean, do we really remember what that love is like?

On a day to day basis, in every thought, every word, every action, if we truly believed in the indescribable power that is the Love of Jesus Christ, what could that do in even the space of one second? If we just allowed to let that love be unleashed...

As I stared up at the stars, compelled by these thoughts, how could I not but be totally dumbfounded by the fact that a God with the power to paint the night sky with a mere breath, create those stars, and those incredible people around me that I am blessed enough to call my friends, that this is the God who did all that because of His ridiculous love for us. His passion. For us. All He desires is to lavish us with love and for us to desire to do the same to Him and those around us. Him, with all that unimaginable power.

All that unimaginable power, allowed to be released in the space of just a single second.


Now just imagine if we were to live our entire lives, our every moment, with this thought at the forefront of our existence. Just try to imagine the repercussions of such a thing, if unquenchable Love were to rage through us in such a way, what a mere glimpse of that power would do, how it could and would change things. Cure all of our worries, carry all of our troubles? That doesn't even begin to scratch the surface.

Oh what intoxicating joy, what uncrushable hope, what magnificent transformation it would be if the true power, the true Love of Jesus, was allowed to be unleashed for even just one second.

If we just let it lavish us.

One second. Just one more second...

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are." 1 John 3:1

Dive Deep.

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