Sunday, February 8, 2009

What's In a Name

What is "Christianity"?

"Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important." C.S. Lewis

I recently posted the script of Not Without Love (The Benediction) from Jimmy Needham's newest album, Not Without Love. And I would first like to say that, like many of the songs on this album, these words alone though brilliant are even more incredible when you hear the passion and urgency woven into the track itself and so I would highly recommend it for your listening pleasure. And while I may very well eventually begin to dissect the spectacular messages behind the words, for now I wish to tackle this single thought, though one of nearly unparalleled importance...

What is "Christianity"?

When you hear that word, when someone calls themselves a "Christian", or even when you call yourself one, what does it even mean, if it has any real meaning at all? What connotations does that title hold, if it really can hold any, and what do you care?

"...I used to be 'gay.' In fact, if I had been published twenty years ago at the height of my gayness, I might have been branded 'The Gay Author.'

"Then things changed. I didn’t change, my happy self remained constant, as did all of what made me merry and carefree and thus I remained quite… well, gay. But the word 'gay; itself began to change until one day it no longer meant happy, but rather 'homosexual.' And once being gay, which only meant 'happy,' I was no longer gay because I am now and always have been happily heterosexual.

"No matter how much anyone might want the term gay to mean what it once did, it’s the hearer of a word, as much as the speaker, who determines any terms real meaning. That’s how words and communication works.

"So the real challenge of being gay today is that I’m not. Although I was at one time and still am quite happy and carefree."

This is a small excerpt from a blog written by author Ted Dekker entitled "The Challenge of Being Gay." And since reading it I have found myself tossing around the idea he presents:

What is Christianity? Really.

Just how much has the term "Christian" changed over the almost two thousand years since it was coined, even in the minds of those who claim it as their own?

Does it still mean "little christs," describing those who though so hopelessly human are filled with such a passion and joy over the incredible things Jesus of Nazareth did when He rocked eternity and turned the world upside down, who would do anything, even die, to follow Him with all they have, all they are, and to show those around them just how awesome His Love is?

Is it an outline of a certain political affiliation or agenda, a level of fanaticism, bigotry, or even straight out insanity?

Is it an illustration of lives so deeply and radically impacted by the Love of a most incredibly awesome God that they will sacrifice so much in life in order to give that life for His brilliant plan, His brilliant Love?

Is it a group of people who never have any fun? Who never really get to experience life and all of it's pleasures? Aren't they just denying their basic humanity, and really what sense does that make?

Or is it simply useful for letting others know what we do on Sunday mornings every once in a while? Maybe even a "Get Out of Hell Free" card.

How have you allowed your conception of Christians and Christianity to form? On how and where you grew up, on who you've known, on what you've heard, read, seen, on what others say? Have you ever delved into the true nature of these notions? Do you even know where to start?

And all those different types of Christianity? Catholic, Protestant, Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, Assemblies of God, Pentecostal, Episcopal, Presbyterian...the list goes on and on...and what does it all mean? Are they even really at any level the same Church they are called and called to be in their Bible?

Is this word really any more than just another word to be tossed around?

More than "all zeal but no joy."
More than a list of do's and don'ts, than a resume of good deeds.
Rest in eternal security.
Hope in a God truly big enough.

Or is the whole thing just insanity?

Is it a title that those who truly consider themselves to be followers of Jesus can be wholly proud of? One they can have hope in because of its meaning?

Because really, if anything, this thing should mean hope, shouldn't it?
Because really, shouldn't it begin and end with Jesus?

Not with the people we've know, or the experiences we've had.
Not because of what our parents or some preacher has said or done, all of whom are just as human as we are.
Not because some man felt it his duty to stand on his soap box proclaiming that you must choose to either believe or burn in Hell.
But because of the one from who this whole thing came about in the first place.


And what an incredible hope that would be. What joy. What Love!

Because really, it's all about Love. And Love is not a four-letter word.

So what do you think? Is this name something the followers of Jesus can have hope and joy in? Something they can be proud of?
Or do we need to come up with something new, something we don't have to cringe over every time it's mentioned out in the real world?

What is "Christianity"? Really.

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Dive Deep.


  1. Wow, Sean, I really enjoyed reading that, and its funny seeing and even just realizing how our society can define something as Christianity. Consider all the different types of people, we are all made in the image of Christ, but not everyone reflects Him, and all that He is. Kinda funny when you think about it, people have changed, church has changed, but Christ is the same, and will be.... so I dont know what else to say, kinda had a brain fart, but hey, great post! :) I like reading your thoughts.

  2. Sean this was fantastic! I've actually been thinking about this same topic myself. Recently I've noticed that so many of my Christian friends take lightly the label that they carry... I can be guilty of it too, but it's really crazy how many people I've met that don't act any differently from the next person walking down the sidewalk that knows nothing about Christ. We have no notion these days of being "set apart" or holy.

    I agree with Sarah though, I'm so glad that although the role of Christians may have been distorted through the years, Jesus Christ & His grace haven't changed a bit! We have such blessed assurance! :D
