Thursday, April 17, 2008


This is a great paradox of the universe:

Throughout history never has mankind failed, no matter culture or circumstance, to scour the heavens in search of some sort of Force or Higher Power, some sort of Being or Creator in the stars that is residing out there seemingly just beyond our reach. And throughout the millennia myriads of conclusions have been drawn concerning this peculiar curiosity, whether polytheistic, monotheistic, pantheistic, animistic, atheistic, or something that will here fall in the category of "other". Yet it never fails to astound me that despite all that searching never has one man, woman, or child truly found the One True God in those stars.

Now I qualify that statement: without doubt one may look at the stars and so be able to conclude that there is some sort of Deity or Power, to speculate about Him or It or whatever, and who can guess what mere observation may bring about in one's mind concerning the nature of that Power. But here I am talking about the Most High. The real deal. The answer to the question billions have asked themselves at least once in life. And who can deny that they have not also offered up even the simplest of prayers in the most the most desperate of circumstances? The thought of the existence of a all-powerful Being that is watching over us is a part of our humanity. So yes, the heavens declare His glory and majesty, as does all of creation. And it confounds me how any rationally thinking human could look outside on a cool autumn day when the sun is emanating radiance, the sky is the most brilliant blue one could fathom, and the trees are more grand a canvas than the most accomplished of artists' masterpiece, and yet fully reject the thought of a spectacular grand design composed by One whose only purpose in doing so is to declare His undying passion for His own, to illustrate how desperately He longs to hold them in His arms and wrap them in love that will stand and comfort for all eternity, even after the trees have lost their beauty and withered away to dust. How much He yearns for us to reject the same path our fathers have walked.

But those stars are not Him.

And yet even in our rebellion we declare His existence! What a thought this is! For how would one rebel if there was not one to rebel against? Yes, even our sin shows Him true! For why else would we call it "sin", or "wrong" or immoral" if there was not some sort of set standard that this fallen state of human nature urges we challenge? And why would man institute this measure of character if it goes against even basic instinct? Have you ever observed a child, how it must be reared in taught what is right and all the way it may do so only after strenuous struggle and perseverance, and still it will most likely rebel yet again! But still one can see Him if only they choose to look. And also does this resound His love, for our rebellion is yet another proof of the choice all humanity must determine for himself, for without choice how can love truly exist? Are we to be as mindless as the machines we construct? Or does the Almighty ache for us to return His compassion because we too ache to be with Him and declare His worth and honor to all?

But here maybe I have strayed slightly from my initial consideration.

This is a great paradox of the universe:
That throughout history mankind has scoured the heavens in search for the Most High. And whenever we think of some sort of Presence like this we almost always tend to look and think "up" and "out" there. And all along we need only open our eyes to the fact that He has been right in front of us the whole time, dashing for us with love that is unbounded; that He is all around us and we only need say the word and He will come into us as well, filling our hearts with His Spirit. An abstract thought? Maybe. But maybe also the greatest of realities one may come to discover.

To fully know the character of the Almighty and the true extent of the miraculousness of His love one may argue that man must also search deeper, for example into the Word that He has made available. But that discussion is not the one which I now address. Here is presented the most basic of ideas that the Creator Himself cannot be found in the skies. And yet of course He is there as He is everywhere. But never will we know Him just by staring off into space, for that itself is not Him.
The great paradox:
He can be found in our hearts. And then only when we allow Him to so reside there.
Only when we stop constantly looking up.
And when we start crying out.
And then begin to open within.
And then reach to Him as He is to us. And only right in front of us! Not across millions of miles, not only after we successfully navigate an impossible maze of set standards and rules and criteria that will make us "worthy". But He wants us as we are now. Anything else can come later.
The heavens in all their brilliance declare His glory and reflect His power, and yet they are nothing compared to He Himself; and it is what we do with the recognition of this that will ultimately make the difference.

Abstract? Yes.
Confusing? Most definitely it can be.
Worthy of thought? I think so.
One of the most astounding of realities? I leave that to you.

If nothing else, some interesting thoughts to consider.

"The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world..."

"Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

Originally Posted 4/17/08

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